Wednesday, June 15, 2011


There is a reason the act of fine cooking is called "culinary arts" versus "culinary slap-it-on-a-plate" or "culinary piles of nasty looking food."  Besides the sometimes painstaking technique involved in making food taste amazing, making the dish look appetizing is equally as important.  It takes a true artist to create a nutritious, Michelle Obama approved meal and turn it into a thing of beauty.

Sexy food is more than just plopping the recommended portions in the appropriately colored space on the "Choose My Plate" food plate.  Food that inspires the aptly, yet raunchily named "food porn" makes you salivate while looking at it on your computer screen (no judgment).  Sultry food beckons you to seek after it, call to it and pay until your pocketbook looks at you in disgust for it.  While I have never eaten at Thomas Keller's Bouchon or The French Laundry, I am craving a trip solely based on how enticing the food looks (that and their iron-clad reputation and ultra-amazing chef).  While you may have not won a James Beard Award, have Three Michelin Stars or be a Master Chef (CMC), you can still strive for plating perfection with your everyday culinary creations.  We all know that you are sexy, so have your food look as good as you do.  

Beauty.  Think of food as a medium for artistic expression rather than utilitarian nourishment.  Take pride in your presentation and find joy in the impressed faces of your friends and family (because, just in case they were wondering, you are the bizness).  The five components to a Playboy worthy entree plate are Protein (5-7 oz), Starch (3-4 oz), Vegetables (3-4 oz), Sauce (2 oz) and Garnish.  Please note these are traditional French cooking portions.  They are not Obama sanctioned.  A well-plated dish takes 4 style points into account: Colors, Shapes, Textures and Flavors.  Play with the plating components and style points as you would paint on a canvas.

Other Tips:
  • Try working in odd numbers (3 slices of chicken breast, 5 small lumps of crab meat).   People are naturally drawn to the symmetry and balance that odd numbers provide. 
  • Play with plate size and shape, but make sure the portion size coincides with the size of the plate.
  • While classic plating encourages chefs to place the protein in the middle of the plate, modern ideas allow for the main ingredient to be placed anywhere.  Keep in mind that the highest item on the plate will most likely be the focal point of the dish.
  • White plates work best.  It is always better to use a clean, blank canvas.
  • NEVER put food on the rim of the plate.  You can get artsy, but not that artsy
  • Don't be afraid of negative space in between food items.  It is ok to see the plate sometimes (before you have eaten everything off of it).
  • Serve hot foods on oven-warmed hot plates (don't burn yourself!) and cold foods on freezer-chilled cold plates.  Your diners will enjoy their food better at the appropriate temperature.  No matter how tantalizing your presentation, cold food that should be served hot is not sexy. #epicfail
  • Garnish with dish-appropriate items and feel free to play with different cuts for veggies etc.  Be adventurous!  Remember, you have entered into a life-long, committed relationship with food.  All married couples know that a successful relationship needs to maintain a bit of spice!
The Beast.  Most of us are guilty of dropping a dollop of protein next to a mush of starch and tossing in a few veggies (more for moral rather than nutritional purposes).  PSA: Stop the ugly food movement!  If the plate looks like you didn't care about the food when you cooked it, why should  I care about it when I eat it?  Also, don't overload your plate!  Besides taking away from your personal sexy (thunder thighs), overloaded plates are not beautiful.  Just like in the world of fashion, simple and elegant are always the best options.  You would be surprised how much a clean presentation can turn your dinner from an obligation to an invitation.   Haphazard piles of food make eating a means to an end.  Why not make your meals culinary adventures instead?

I would love to see your plate designs!  Send me pics via Twitter @PerlaNovela1908 or stick a link to your pics in the comment section of the blog.

Get in touch with your creative side, love your food and stay blessed!

Plate Design by Culinary Instructor Chef Shane.  Perfection!